roof wash north shore auckland
Roof Wash
The Roof Wash is undertaken by House Washing North Shore your #1 local ROOF WASHING specialist in Auckland. The major role of any roof system is to shield and protect the dwelling below from the elements.
In recent times the introduction of colour, style, new materials, a vast array of attachments such as solar panels and media antenna and the ability to harvest water from the roof line has made us look at and think more about maintaining our roof systems.
With safety being a top priority at splash house washing our staff are site safe certified and experienced in all types of rope and harness work whether it be a flat roof or a pitched roof our staff are trained to use the correct Pressure technique and approach whenever cleaning roof’s. Whether it be Coloured Cement, Terracotta or a Zinc or Colorbond Metal roof system.
having washed many roofs over the last 10- years both residential / commercial the highly trained team at splash believe the use of unnecessary pressure is asking for trouble not to mention removing the expensive colour membrane applied to painted tile roof systems. That’s the colour you see running down the drain. also it can cause unnecessary erosion of concrete / slate tiles